Basic Requirements and Development Trend of Formula Powdered Milk Packaging

At present, the formula powdered milk packaging sold on the market mainly include metal cans canning and plastic flexible bags bagging. Metal cans have good sealing properties and long shelf life, but their production and transportation costs are relatively high. Therefore, large-scale well-known dairy companies use this type of packaging on some products.

The same quality of formula milk powder, generally canned pricing will be more than 20% more expensive than the bagged powdered milk. But, with the intensification of competition in the dairy industry, metal cans canning has the potential to be gradually replaced lightweight plastic bagging.

Basic Requirements for Formula Powdered Milk Packaging

1. Hygienic
As a tin can that directly contacts food, its hygiene is the most fundamental requirement. According to national standards, it is generally required that the evaporation residue should not contain heavy metal elements such as lead and antimony that affect human health. The total number of bacteria required is less than 1000/100cm2, and E. coli cannot be detected.

2. No smell
The formula powdered milk is very sensitive to the taste of the canning material. Exotic odors can alter the flavor of the formula and even harm the health of the consumer.

3. Sealing
Formula powdered milk is a product that is easy to absorb moisture and easily oxidizes and degrades. Formulated milk powder canning requires a tight seal and must not leak.

The Development Trend of Formula Powdered Milk Packaging

As people’s environmental protection and health awareness increase, the preservation and transportation of formula milk powder has received extensive attention. Formula powdered milk cans canning has the potential to be gradually replaced lightweight plastic bagging.